River Fest Vendor Information and Registration

Early Bird Registration is open now until April 30th!


The 2025 Sunbury River Festival will be in the Merle Phillips Riverfront Park August 15th 4pm to 9pm and August 16th 11am to 9pm.

NOTE – we will not accept any additional ice cream vendors.

Register now online. Email [email protected] to request paper form by email or mail. Complete registration form, documents, and payment must be received by April 30th for Early Bird rates. Standard rates apply from May 1st. No registrations will be accepted after August 1st.

When registering online, be prepared to upload the following documents:

– Full menu and pricing – Food vendors only (required)

– Photo of Art/Crafts – Art/Crafts vendors only (required)

– Business logo/graphic (300dpi minimum) for marketing purposes (optional)

– Certificate of liability insurance naming Sunbury’s Revitalization, Inc. and River Festival Committee as additional insured. (Required if your business carries liability insurance. If you do not, you may sign a liability waiver in the form.)

Vendor Rates

Vendor Type Early Bird Standard
Food $125 $200
Art/Crafts $75 $100
Retail/Direct Sales $125 $150
Promotional $100 $125
Non-profit (any type) $50 $75